The Computer and Programming Club (CPC) is a dedicated society originally formed by the students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Daffodil International University (DIU). CPC-PC is formed in accordance with CPC and can work in together or in parallel with the CPC. The critical leadership positions of the CPC-PC are the President, Secretary, Convener and Treasurer. The executive committee often performs a long-range planning role and acts for the board of directors or the entire club between meetings. In general, the president and secretary of a club work with the executive committee to determine plans and policies for CPC regular activity. Listed below are the officers found in the CPC-PC and their specific duties.
Al-Amin Firdows
Co-Chair, Developement Team
Shamsuddin Ahamed
Co-Chair, Developement Team
Golam Rabbi
Co-Chair, Developement Team
Jayed Al Hasan
Co-Chair, ACM Team
Razibul Hasan Mithu
Co-Chair, ACM Team
Gazi Amir Sohel
Co-Chair, ACM Team
Shakil Mahmud
Co-Chair, ACM Team
Almabud Juwal
Co-Chair, ACM Team
Fahim Abrar
Co-Chair, ACM Team
Miraj Mahmud
Co-Chair, ACM Team
Pritom Chaki
Al hasan mahamud
Co-Chair, Publicity Team